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Slip, Trip or Fall at Work Claims

If you have had any type of slip trip or fall at work you need to think about  whether the accident could have been prevented by your employer. If the accident could have been prevented then you could be entitled to make a no win, no fee slip, trip or fall injury compensation claim.

The law states that employers should provide adequate care and support for employees. This means they should always put every necessary precaution in place to prevent a slip, trip or fall injury from happening. If a business fails to take these measures then they could be liable for compensation claims made against them.

If you have had an accident that was not your fault, for example, if you slipped on an un-marked wet surface, or tripped on an uneven floor, it’s possible you could make a compensation claim.

By making a claim for your injuries you could receive cover for things such as loss of earnings. It’s also possible you will help to prevent future incidents occurring as employers will need to prevent this happening again.

Godloves Solicitors can help you with your slip, trip or fall injury compensation claim

We help people just like you who have been involved in a slip, trip or fall accident to receive the Maximum Compensation they are entitled to. So, if you feel you have a case for a compensation claim then contact Godloves Solicitors today on 0800 0193 710

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Godloves PI is a trading name of Yorkshires Injury Lawyers Limited

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